Yes Works, LLC services are individualized for each person we serve.
Employment Planning Services
On-the-Job Evaluation: A hands on work assessment in a community business. This assessment may vary in length and is designed around an area of interest you may have.
Job Tryouts / Work Trial: Paid opportunity to work in an open position to see if it is a good fit for you and the employer.
Job Seeking Skills Training: Time limited skill development necessary for job search. Topics covered may include: dressing for success, grooming, identifying personal attributes / job skills / transferable skills, preparing to go to work or how and where to look for a job.
Job Shadow: A 30 minute - 3 hour opportunity to observe and talk with workers in a community business.
Informational Interview: Opportunity to interview an individual working in a job or career field you are exploring.
Community Employment Services
Job Placement: Assistance to acquire and keep a job. Examples may include developing a resume, interview preparation, filling out applications or providing job leads. Once you get a job, we will stay in contact with you to ensure continued success on the job.
Job Coaching: Training on the job or off-site support and coaching.
Benefit Planning Services
Benefit Analysis: Available to individuals receiving a Title II benefit and / or SSI. Benefit planning includes a thorough analysis of how your work goal will impact your benefits such as SSDI, SSI, Medicare, Medicaid, Housing Support, SNAP, and any others you receive. Emphasis is on use of work incentives.